I thought I'd share my plan from last Tuesday's Drop-In Writing Workshop. If you weren't able to make it to The Cabin last week (or don't live in Boise) and wanted to be there, you can get a sense of what what we did. If you write on this now, or wrote something at the Drop-In and like it, feel free to share in the comments. I may do the same. And if you REALLY like what you write, definitely submit it to Writers in the Attic before February 26. Happy writing! Drop-In Writing Workshop - WaterObjective: Writing personal detail and sensory specifics on the page can trigger our audience’s emotional memory and influence their actions in life. Introduction: Why Water? The Cabin’s Water WITA contest is coming up, which prompted me to focus our time today on that theme. More importantly, water is a huge issue that keeps coming up globally and is only getting worse. Important to think about, talk about, write about. Perhaps we can find the metaphor for how water affects us all individually tonight. Where has water come up for people in their lives, in the news, in history? Capturing water’s importance through specific, personal, sensory details:
We’ll read a poem to inspire us, but you can write in any medium in response. Story, essay, poem, scene, play. These can be true or fiction. Water Water Water Wind Water |
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$1, $10, $100, whatevs :) Heidi KraayProcess notes on a work in progress (me). This mostly contains raw rough content pulled out of practice notebooks. Occasional posts also invite you into the way I work, with intermittent notes on the hows and whys on the whats I make. Less often you may also find prompts and processes I've brought to workshops, as well as surveys that help me gather material for projects. Similar earlier posts from years ago can be found on: Archives
January 2025